Visual Artist
True Connection Comes Through
4 February 2024
3năm Studio, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Documentation: Dat Vu
“The photographs used in these postcards were taken during my three month residency in Vietnam. Through returning to the home country of my ancestors I was able to deepen my relationship to my motherland. I spent those three months in Hanoi, Hien Van (Bac Ninh) and Saigon, with some travels in between.
Everywhere I went, ambiguity followed. Between familiarity and unfamiliarity, knowing and unknowing, clear visions and blurry ideas, linear, firm decisions or undecided flexibility.
As a child, I used to send postcards to all my dear friends and family when I went abroad. Sometimes they were long letters about my experiences and thoughts. Other times they were just greetings or simple drawings. Choosing the right postcard motif for each person was an important task to me. Selecting the proper image was a careful gesture towards our relationship.”
The artist read from her personal written postcards, giving an insight into her thoughts and process of her three month residency in Vietnam, her motherland. A collective writing moment followed, where everyone chose their own postcards to write on. The postcards then were read out loud to each other, anonymously.
This event was organized in collaboration with 3năm Studio in Ho Chi Minh City and was part of a three month residency funded by Swiss art council Pro Helvetia.